Annual Health Assessment ( AHA)
Our goal is to make sure all of our seniors receive the best possible medical care and one of the ways to ensure this is to do a complete health assessment once a year on all seniors. The Annual Health Assessment is required by Medicare. The health assessment reviews the member’s physical and mental health. It also identifies if they have any potential risk for occurring problems and what those risks are so we can intervene and proactively address the issues. The members Primary Care Provider (PCP) Office will contact members once a year to schedule this health assessment.
HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set)
HEDIS, an acronym for Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, is a quality program affiliated with NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance). There are more than 15 quality measures that are reviewed each year. Some are Diabetes Care, Preventive Cancer Screening and Patient Satisfaction.
Your Community-Rooted Provider Coalition physicians would like to be proactive in your health care by providing information regarding recommended health screening (s) and encourages you to contact your Primary Care Provider (PCP) to coordinate your appointment to have health screening (s) completed.
Diabetes: HbAlc: Blood test to monitor blood glucose control at least once a year.
LDL: Cholesterol test at least once every 12 months.
Nephropathy: Urine protein test to monitor for diabetic kidney disease at least once every 12 months in order to reduce the long-term complications of diabetes.
Eye Exam: People with diabetes should have a dilated retinal eye exam at least every other year.
Foot Exam: People with diabetes should have foot exam at every visit.
Colorectal Cancer Screening: All people over the age of 50 should have a Colorectal Cancer Screening. There are multiple ways to perform screening talk to your doctor about which screening is best for you.
Breast Cancer Screening: Women over the age of 50 should have mammogram at least once every other year.
Metabolic Panel for Patients on Persistent Medications: Blood work done periodically to assess your liver and kidney function.
Blood Pressure: Your blood pressure should be checked at every visit with your primary care doctor (PCP).
Osteoporosis Testing: Women over the age of 65 should have a bone mineral testing at least once.
Glaucoma : Everyone over the age 65 should have a glaucoma screening every year.
Flu vaccine: People over the age of 65 should have flu vaccine every year.
Pneumonia Vaccine: People over the age of 65 should have a pneumonia vaccine at least once.